Saturday, November 21, 2015

Making Spinners

In Maths we have been looking at probability. We know the language of probability now with likely unlikely, a chance that can be one chance in two or 50%. We are learning to read them as ratios too! We are very clever. We designed our own spinners with options of things to play at morning tea time. Here are some of them. 

Blast in the Park - what a blast!

Many of our class attended the Blast in the Park fireworks display at Anderson Park. It had a Halloween theme and numerous witches and ghosts  wandered through the entrance point!
It was a great night and everyone had a fantastic time. To say thank you to all the sponsors and people who made generous donations of their time, each class was asked to make thank you cards.

So, Room 5 took up the challenge and decided to make ours THE BEST! We showed excellent team work and gave compliments to each other to ensure we got the job done!
The boys had to thank Mr Weinham for transporting furniture  and the girls thanked Dish caterers for sponsoring the security fencing. Here is what we produced!
Boys' card to Mr Weinham...
Girls' card to Dish...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Ukelele time in Room 5

As part of our Year 3 and 4 Arts rotation, we had the first two sessions playing the ukelele with Mrs Field.
It was great fun learning new chords and playing songs like Row, row row your boat,
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree and The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
We know how to play the chords C and F and we are learning G.
Our strumming is improving and we can play together in time too.
Even our singing is getting better!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Anzac Poppies

Way back in Term 2, Mrs Field gave us all a poppy seedling to take home and plant. We researched about poppies and Anzac Day. FINALLY, some of these poppies have flowered! has yours? Aren't they beautiful. Imagine a whole field of poppies...

Athletics Sports Day at the Sports Park

All of HNP had our athletics sports at the Sports Park in Percival Road last Tuesday. It was so hot that day. We wore our house colours and looked like a rainbow as we travelled by bus to the park. The juniors arrived a bit later and did their events in the middle of the track area. Year 3, 4,  5 and 6 competed in high jump, long jump, discus, shot put, 100m, 200m and we had a house relay. It was a great day and we were all tired out on the bus trip back to school.

Persuasive advertising

Mrs Dixon has just finished two weeks on language that persuades people to buy things. Her challenge to Room 5 was for the children to convince her which lolly was the best - zombie chews, mentos or candy canes. Here are their advertisements. After the best ones were selected, Mrs Dixon gave out lollies to everyone because it was her last day with us! We gave her flowers and chocolate to say thank you for fifteen fabulous weeks of writing.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Year 3s on Camp

It was SOOOO exciting and a bit scary at the same time! Room 8 and all the Year 3s from our class went back to school at 4pm on Monday 14th September. We had a sleepover at the Aquarium with the theme of PIRATES! We had a lesson about the Rocky Shore run by Carol from the Aquarium, pirate hat making and walking the plank, Burger Fuel burgers and chips for dinner, a scavenger hunt for cryptic pirate clues and we finished the day with a  night tour of the aquarium We slept right by the sharks!!

The next day we had breakfast, packed up our beds, swam at Ocean Spa for a few hours, had delicious morning tea by the playground and visited the Rocky Shore for an amazing two hours of lifting rocks and noticing the wonderful sea life in our back yard. We had beautiful weather and needed to break out the sunscreen! Lunch was fish and chips or hot dog and chips and yummy baking and apples from our parents. We played on the playground until 2 pm and headed back to school, tired but very happy. We had managed to complete Year 3 Camp our very first camp at HNP!! Click on Year 3 Camp underlined above to view some of our adventures.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Cross Country

We had our first ever cross country at Anderson Park and it was great! Well done to everyone who competed on the day.
We even have some students who are representing our school at the Interschool cross country.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Jigsaw puzzle of the world

When we had all the wet days in a row, Mrs Field put the map of the world jigsaw out for us to do. We worked together and completed it over a few days. It was hard because so many pieces were all blue for the sea. It was great fun. 

Calendar Art

Room 5 have used images of the sea and waves as our motivation for calendar art. Here is our art.
We are very proud of our strong lines, pastel smudging and colour blending.