Welcome to a usual day in Room 10. Our Year 3 class is learning to work together. We have table points for good work, tidy spaces and co-operation. We have a class treaty. At 9 o'clock, we call the roll and our special messenger for the week runs a message to the office about absentees and bus people. We have donut news where we select a topic from the feely bag and sit in a donut shape. We swap partners twice and listen respectfully and use our manners.
Next we have Maths. You will see our work on measurement and geometry in later posts.
Our fitness has been running, skipping and circuit training. We love fitness! After brainfood, we carry on with Maths or start writing. We have silent reading after morning tea and Mrs Field takes reading groups while we do the rest of our work. On Wednesdays we visit the library and choose new books for our class.
After lunch it is Story time and milk time. The milk monitors bring in the carton of milk and we choose our own box. We have to fold it small for recycling. In the afternoon we do PE or art or music. Keep checking our blog for interesting things about Room 10.